Friday, January 25, 2013

Chapter 2 Transforming Learning with Unique, Powerful Technology

*All links are highlighted in yellow*

Focus Question:  How can students express their creativity using technology? 

  • Word processing, desktops, design tools, digital cameras, digital video, movies, and podcast to support expressions of creativity by students and their teachers. 
  • Fostering creativity involves establishing conditions in schools where students express new ideas, create new approaches, and envision new solutions.
  • Using computers for writing and electronic communication establishes new patterns of self-expression and interaction among students
 Photo credit to Raffa LUCE Flickr 

There were 7 different questions that I could have chosen to talk about this week, but I chose the question about students expressing their creativity using technology. As soon as I read this question it just popped out at me, I can totally relate to this first hand. Creativity is the ability to transform traditional ides, rules, patterns,  and create a new ideas, rules, patterns, ect. Creativity is being able to think outside the box, and step out of ones comfort zone. When I was in high school I tried out photography because it was just something to fill my schedule, but by the end of the semester I was in love with photography. All four years I was in high school I made sure to take as many photography classes as I could, it was my new hobby. With digital cameras, students could choose from tons of different effect to do to an picture. Also with a old film camera, students could also develop picture in any way they choose  There are endless possibility what the final product of what the picture could be. One way that students could express their creativity by using technology is by creating a photography blog. The picture that I have above is just an example of what a photography blog could look like. Once a student has finished editing their picture the way the want, they can post it to a blog. On the blog the student could describe their feeling, emotion, and purpose of the picture. For one of my photography classes we had a certain kind of picture we had to take each week. It could be anything in the category that the teacher gave. Once we had the picture we wanted we could tweak it which ever way we wanted, and then had to post it to a blog. In that blog we had to state why we picked that picture, and what it meant to us. We could basically go where ever we wanted to go with the topic. It was a great way to express the meaning behind the picture. I always loved doing these assignments because not only could I show off my picture to the world, but always explain my meaning of why I took it. Technology is a big influence on today's society and how students can be creative, and expressive. 

Tech Tools Link: Digital Storytelling

Just how I have stated above about how creative you can be with your own picture blogs, I think this program is another way that students can express their creativity through pictures. There are a few different programs on this website that they can choose from, each program help create a story. The website is highlighted above. When the student gets to the website they should go to the tap that says create, and will see different options there. Students can express their creativity through making a story with a picture, audio, collages, or clip. I think this website is very useful and can help with a project, or just for fun. I looked through the website and found there was a link to download photo story. It looked very interesting to me, so I clicked on it and downloaded it. Here is the link to take you directly to the photo story page. Once it was downloaded, I tested it out to make sure it was going to be a useful website I could talk about. It is a very interesting program, and here are the steps that it takes them through.
  1. Add as many pictures as you would like.
  2. Make a unique cation for each picture. 
  3. Record an audio of your voice for each picture. For steps 2 and 3 you can create something new for each picture.It does not have to be the same thing. 
  4. Pick a song you want to incorporate with your picture that you have selected. 
  5. Save
  6. Enjoy what you just created!
In order to see the creation make sure that you have the latest version of windows media player. I highly recommend this page, it is fun and useful. It is a different way to express creativity other then just having a picture blog. It can also be useful towards any project. Add some spice to a power point presentation, or a photography class. 

Summary & Connection:

This chapter has taught me that there is more to learning and expressing yourself, then just showing it on paper. I now know that it is important for students to express themselves through technology. Technology can help any student in many different ways like access and asses information, learn visually, engagement and collaboration, rapid feedback, and expressing their creativity. There is no need to restrict internet access in a classroom because it is starting to become the number one way to teach and learn. After each chapter that I read I learn more and more how technology is influencing classrooms. It is no longer a bad thing to have computers in the classroom, but a blessing and a privileged to be able to access much more information than before. I have also learned about the three theories of learning, which are behaviorism, cognitive science, and constructivism. Each of the theories are based around how the student learns to what the computer can do for them. I would of never thought that a computer could be used in so many ways for education. It does not matter how you learn because there is a way that the computer technology can be useful to all learning styles. A new door is opening everyday on how technology can be incorporated into a classroom. 

The first video shows how someone animated their own short clip. The second video gives some reasons of there should be technology in a classroom. 
Hope you enjoy!




Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010).Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.  


  1. Love the videos you embedded - they are great 'fodder' for justifying technology in the classroom! I resonated with your photography blog idea as I have used that not only in my own life but also with students - in fact my own personal blog is in its 6th year with a photo and written description (some more creative than others) every day! And, digital storytelling is so important that I actually have it later in this class for you to try out yourself! :)

  2. I will enjoy trying out digital storytelling. I am excited for that part of the class to come. Photography is my first love, I take pictures as much as I can. My favorite kind of picture taking is of the environment.
