Friday, February 22, 2013

Chapter 6 Teaching with Educational Websites and Other Online Reasources

*All links are highlighted in yellow*

Focus Questions:  How are information management technologies such a bookmarking, social bookmarking, and information alerts useful to teachers?

  • Bookmarking, social bookmarking, and information alert technologies enables teachers and their students to manage information electronically. 
  • Bookmarking refers to saving website addresses on your computer to access them easily, rather than looking them up repeatedly. 
  • Social bookmarking happens when groups of interested people share their Web links electronically in a public Web space. Online tolls such as Delicious, Backflip, and Connotea are useful social bookmarking tools for teachers. Bookmarking services such as Portaportal and Filamentality allow teachers to bookmark a group of sites in a secure space for use by students. 
  • Information alerts are electronic notices that receive on their personal computers advertising them that material on requested topics has become available in an online format. 

Photo Credit to Ricardo Barra from Flickr

One thing that always gets me frustrated is when I love a website that I saw, and I forget what the website was called. It is difficult trying to remember every valuable website that I have visited; I know anyone can relate to that. Good thing that as technology progresses we are capable of remembering all the websites that we love with social bookmarking. Social bookmarking expands the concept of individual bookmarking from one user/ one computer to a community of users on many computers (EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative  2005b, May) (Maloy, 2010, p. 146). Bookmarking websites on one’s own Internet window was the only way to save them at one point. As technology progresses websites are being created to help store all types of bookmarks that people love. People are not restricted anymore to using the same computer all the time to access their bookmarks, but can be anywhere in the world accessing their bookmarks with Internet access. It is an essential for teachers to create a profile on Delicious, Backflip, Connotea, Goodreads, or Diigo to save their bookmarks because they can reference back to them whenever they please. Teachers could easily create lesson plans anywhere they are by having a profile on one of these social bookmarking websites to easily access their favorite websites. 

Tech Tools Link 6.2: Delicious

At first I have trouble locating this website because the textbook says it is, when it is really There is no need for the additional periods separating the words. Delicious is a website where anyone, even teachers, can create an account to save their favorite websites. It is free to create an account on delicious and can be accessed from anyplace that has Internet connection. This website lets a person add, organize, and send any bookmark that they place on the website. Delicious even has a toolbar that can be downloaded to make it more accessible to add bookmarks to delicious.  This makes it easier than having to go to the delicious website every time someone wants to add a bookmark. It is always easier to save bookmarks onto a website because if a bookmark is saved straight to a computer it can only be accessed through that computer. Saving bookmarks to a website gives people a wide range of places they can go, and always having access to their favorite sites to use. I enjoy always having access to my favorite websites, so I would recommend anyone to try it out. 

Summary & Connection:

Who would have ever known so much stuff can be done with the Internet that can benefit teachers. As a future teacher I am always learning something new each week from the textbook, and I know I will always refer back to it after this class is done. This week I have learned that there are many different sites that can be used to save bookmarks onto. It is important to save informational resources on these websites because they can always be retrieved. Teachers can make their lesson plans from anywhere, so it is always important to have access to them at all times. A piece of information that I found valuable to use while making a lesson plan is using education websites to have more interaction with the students. Not only does using the Internet involve incorporating technology to a classroom, it helps students get more practice with the subject they are learning. A term that I have learned that goes along with teachers using the Internet as teaching tool is called digital content. Digital content means to easily accessible source of academic information and new knowledge, the Internet is unparalleled (Maloy, 2010, p.145). Teachers can use this Web-based information to teach the school curriculum (Maloy, 2010, p.145). The internet is evolving from just being a source to surf the web, to being a source of teaching information in the classroom

This week I did a video on Webquest because I wanted to learn about them, but it was the one page that was ripped out of my book. So I did my own research on WebQuest and Virtual Field Trips. 

(First two are videos on Web Quest)
(Virtual Field Trip/ Technology)


Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010).Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Chapter 5 Researching and Evaluating Internet Information

*All links are highlighted in yellow*

Focus Questions: What pieces of information do students need to know about Internet searching?

  • Goggle's system of ranking Web pages not only by keywords, but also by popularity and cross listing with other sites, has propelled it to the status of world's number one search engine.
  • Searching the Web involves one of the three search strategies: 
    • Free-text
    • Keyword/ Exact match
    • Boolean
  • Search resources designed for students provide age-appropriate information and valuable Internet and information literacy learning experiences.   

Photo Credit to Keso on Flickr

There are millions of different websites in this world to search information on. We can search anything from "What time is the notebook showing" to "The history of George Washington", one major defect is that students have to know where and how to search it. Specific websites are a good source to search specific content. Google gives such a broad spectrum of what is on the internet, that sometimes the question asked to Google can be lost with too many words. When searching information on Google a student has to be very specific, and use little words. If they use more than 5 words in a Google search engine, any website with one of the words will come up. For example  Healthy foods for parents to make for a child's lunch, this sentence is so long that now Google will have any website with the word lunch show up. The word for this type of searching would be called free-text. Free-text looks for the title, keywords, and description fields of each resource for the word or phrase you type into the search command (Maloy, R. W, 2010, p. 124). A better way a student can find an exact website for what they are searching is by keyword/ exact match. It is easier for a student to find information this way because Google will look up an article that has the exact text that is given, and send you to the exact source. For example, to find information only on the 2000 president election, you need to type those exact words into the search command-- "2000 U.S president election." (Maloy, R. W, 2010, p. 124). One last way to search a specific content is by Boolean search. Boolean search means to add words, such as, and, or, and not (Maloy, R. W, 2010, p. 124). This will make the search even more specific to the content being searched for. 

Tech Tools Link 5.1 : Flickr 

Flickr has to be one of my favorite websites to use to upload, and locate pictures. It is a very organized website, and easy to navigate. For every one of my journals I use Flickr because any content I choose to search it takes me right to the picture that matches my text. I do not have to try different text in order to locate a picture; it takes me right to what I have asked for. It is free to sign up to Flickr a person just has to have a Yahoo, G mail, or Facebook account. All three of these accounts are also free to sign up for. For teachers, when using Flickr they can set up different folders so that the pictures go along with the subject that is being taught. Flickr offered a limitless way to add visual learning resources to teacher’s curriculum (Maloy, R.W, 2010, p. 122). Teachers can add students into a group, where they can add comments onto a discussion board. It is a great way to have fun teacher- student interaction. Also once a teacher has photos in the system, teachers and students can make cards, photo books slideshows, calendars, and postage stamps (Maloy, R. W, 2010, p. 122). I would recommend anyone, even teachers, to use Flickr. 

Summary & Connection: 

A term that I have never heard before is information literacy. Information literacy just means the ability to recognize when information is needed and to then have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information (Windhamd, 2006, p. 114). It is important that teachers show students how to properly use internet search engines, so that they receive useful information. Before students use a website to gather information from, they should evaluate it to make sure it is a reliable source. Anyone could make a internet page with phony information on it, that is why teachers need to teach how to distinguish a good website from a bad one. I also learned that the first thing to be on the top of the list after a student has searched something, may be a popular choice but may not be the best site for the student to use. It is very tricky using Goggle because if a student is not very specific with their search, Google may give broad results for just certain words. It is always best to have only a few words, and put them in parenthesis. Also teachers have to be very clear why plagiarism is wrong. Plagiarism is not taken very lightly in school setting and sometimes can cause a student to receive a zero, dismissal of a class, or school. Plagiarism is when a student does not properly cite someone else's work that they have used. If ever in doubt when to cite, cite the work anyways. It is better to be safe, then sorry.  

The video that I have posted below is a brief tutorial on how to search specific
 topics in Google. 


Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010).Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Chapter 4 Integrating Technology and Creating Change

*All links are highlighted in yellow*

Focus Question: How can teachers integrate technology into their work as educators?

  • Teachers can incorporate computers and other information technologies into three major parts of their professional work: 
    • 1. Classroom instruction,
    • 2. Outside-the-classroom activities, and 
    • 3. Inside-and-outside-the-classroom learning activities for students.
  • Computers and other new technologies can function in one of five possible formats for teachers:
    • 1. Technology-based library,
    • 2. Technology-based textbook,
    • 3. Technology-based learning environments,
    • 4. Technology-based teaching tool, and 
    • 5. Technology-based office.

Photo Credit to ConnerJG at Flickr

 I learned in last chapter how important lesson plans are in order to teach the class correctly. Now that I have an idea of how to create a lesson plan, I have to learn how to integrate technology into my work. As I read the first focus question it made me think of classroom jeopardy. Classroom jeopardy is a great example of how a teacher can integrate technology in the classroom. Classroom jeopardy is just like real jeopardy, but the information behind the blocks has to do with the subject and section that is being taught. A teacher can set up a power point or active board to play jeopardy. This would be a good example of how to incorporate an active board into the classroom.  Jeopardy is a great way to have student’s play a game, but learn at the same time. It keeps them intrigued and they actually want to participate. I remember when my teacher had us play this game after each chapter, but before a test. She would tell us the day before we played how she was going to split up the class, and to make sure we studied. There would be a bonus of three extra credit points for the team who scored the most points. Everyone made sure that they studied because we all wanted to get the three extra credit points. Little did we know how much playing the game would prepare us for a test. It helped me remember more than I thought I could. The teacher really did a good job of integrating the technology of the active board to help us study.

This chapter was not very long, and there were not that many links to choose from. I explored the three links in Teach Tool 4.1. They were all a little tricky to navigate. It is always helpful when a website is easy to navigate because then it could be useful to a wide variety of people. The website that I felt had the most valuable information is the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS-T). A teacher would have to make an account on this website to get full access to all the information. I did not make an account, I simply explored the website. I clicked on the tab that says NETS, then the drop down box came down and I chose nets for teachers. This page is meant to give resources on how teachers can integrate technology in a classroom. A teacher can also purchase books, webinar, and online courses. I also explored typing in different things, such as, lesson plans and rubric in the search bar. It gives a forum where other teachers have posted blogs that were pertaining to what was typed in. I would recommend this website because it gives many different resources on how to integrate technology into the classroom. I would first sign up with an account on the website. 

Summary & Connection: 

It would have been nice if the chapter was a little bit longer because it did have useful information. I believe it went along perfectly with chapter 3 where I learned about making lesson plans. Integrating technology into the classroom means that a teacher will have to learn how to create an interactive learning experience for the students. Teachers have to think about what technology they will use, and how they will integrate it into their lesson.  Technology integration is not limited to the classroom but encouraged within the library, textbooks, and office. It can be integrated within all parts of the school. Learning how to integrate technology into the classroom has a process, and does not happen overnight. I learned that there is five stages of integration; entry, adoption, adaptation, appropriation, and invention. Teachers should look at technology as a positive reinforcement for what they are teaching. Some minority and low income students do not get the luxury of owning a computer at home this is called participation gap. This is another reason teachers should integrate technology into the classroom as much as possible so that all students may get the same experience, and carry it with them. Even if the teacher has to use the technology that is out of date or up to date, it will equally benefit any student. We have to infuse technology into the classroom because the students will have a better learning experience. 

The videos that I am posting this week deal with classroom jeopardy!

This video is a news broadcast of classroom jeopardy. 

These video are an example of a class using jeopardy to learn.
(They are a little distracting, but there the best video I could find)


Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010).Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Chapter 3 Developing Lessons with Technology

*All links are highlighted in yellow*

Focus Question: What is meant by "lesson development using technology"? 

  • Lesson development is central to the work of every teacher.
  • Lesson development is a process of creative design and decision-making that includes three elements: 1. What to teach 2. How to teach it 3. How to know what students have learned.
  • Technology tools support all three aspects of lesson development. 

Photo credit to dkzody on flicker

Teachers have to plan ahead of time what they are going to teach each day of the school year. Rarely do they create a meaningful creative class at the spur of the moment. It would be very hard for teachers to think off the top of their head what they teach for 190 days of the year. The curriculum would be sloppy, and a disaster.  Students would not learn what they need to learn, in the order it should be taught. Teachers should always make a lesson plan to determine what to teach it and how. The national standard of what should be taught is given to all teachers, but it does not give specifics. Teachers have to decide what is going to be explored that goes along with the curriculum. The have to make the intelligent decision of what is going to beneficial to the student and what will not. After they decide what they are going to teach, they have to think about how they will teach it. Teachers will combine goals, methods, and procedures to determine for they will present the material. Some ways that teachers could present the material are large/ small groups, discussions, role play, lectures, inquiry-based activities, creative writing, or learning games. Sometimes students learn better with more interaction, than just a simple lecture. There are also many technologies that teachers can use to teach the class that are presentation software, threaded discussions and email, assistive technologies, digital cameras, movie-making software, web-based diagram, and blogs. There are endless possibilities of technologies a teacher can use to help the class stay interested. They just have to determine what technology goes along nicely with the lesson of the day. Another thing that teachers have to consider is what the students have learned. A way they can do that is by 1. Summative summarizing what the students have learned at the end of a lesson 2. Formative- happening as a lesson unfolds 3. Diagnostic- preceding a lesson as a way to measure what students already knows. A couple different ways that a  teacher can asses what the students have actually learned if by test, quizzes, online surveys, evaluations, and portfolios. It is always important that a teacher makes sure that all the students are on the same page. Teachers have to make sure that students fully understand what they are being taught, and are able to retain it. Before moving on to the next chapter or step of the class, a teacher should always check that everyone understands. 

Tech Tools Link: Gliffy

Teachers have to make lessons plans in order to be able to effectively teach a classroom. Creating a lesson plan may not always be that easy because you have to make sure everything is being covered in 190 days, and flows together. It may be a difficult task to make lesson plans as a new teacher, but there are ways to help. The website above (Gliffy) is a wonderful website, I believe, for new/ experienced teachers. This website has different flow charts, and diagrams that would help organize how things could flow together. It is a good way to first see how you will put everything together. Lesson plans usually have to be turned into the school ahead of time, before class actually begins. Before writing in stone how you will teach the class, it is a good idea to make any type of flow chart. With a flow chart you can see what assignments can go were, what you would do certain days, when you think a test should be given, ect. Another good thing about this website is that you can make a floor chart. It is always a good idea to know what student is sitting were, not only so you know there name, but to make sure they are sitting somewhere where they can learn. Some students at the beginning of the year like to sit next to their friends, and usually talk as much as possible. With a floor chart you can keep an eye on the friends, and then make the decision of what students would work well next to another. Floor charts are also a good way to take attendance. There would be no way that a student could pose as someone else, if you know who exactly is supposed to be there. Check out the website, it could possibly help you in the future!

Summary & Connection:

This chapter has been very beneficial to me because I now I know the importance of making lesson plan. It is important that teachers now how to effectively teach the curriculum. As a future teacher I want to make sure that my students are actually learning something that they will remember, and can use in the future. Each lesson plan that is made usually goes along with the national standard curriculum. Teacher’s final goal is that the students pass the grade meeting the educational standards. Also there are state exams that students need to take in order to pass certain grades. During the year that the student has to pass the test, teachers should make sure that the students fully understand what is being taught. After reading this chapter I think I will give quizzes randomly not only for a grade, but so the students can show me their learning. As a future teacher you have to know when it is okay to move on to the next section, or stay a few more days on the same one. I have to make sure that the students are always on the same page. I will also use electronic grading so that the students can monitor their grade. It is a quick way that the students can have immediate asses to the assignment grade, and overall grade. Guardians can also review how their student is doing in the class and where they might need help. Sometimes students will go home and say they have done all their homework, but when report cards come out it shows the complete opposite. With this new technology of grading, guardians of students will know exactly what is going on in the students schooling. 

This video incorporates what was discussed in my focus question.

The video below gives a helpful example of what to think about when writing a lesson plan. 


Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010).Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.